Plakaty na wystawie pokonkursowej w Rzymie i w Warszawie

branding gabriela kłos kufel

W tym roku mija dwieście lat od pierwszego wydania Ballad i Romansów Adama Mickiewicza. Tegoroczna edycja Konkursu im. Profesora Adama Wodnickiego nie mogła nie nawiązać do tej rocznicy.

Wystawa pokonkursowa w Rzymie, w Instituto Polacco di Roma pokazuje Romantyzm Polski różnie interpretowany i z różnych perspektyw. Wśród 20 prac znalazły się także dwie moje. 

Nagrodzone prace można zobaczyć na stronie Wydziału Form Przemysłowych, ASP Kraków oraz na stronie Instytutu Polskiego w Rzymie.

It’s been two hundred years since Ballady i Romanse, the collection of poems written by Adam Mickiewicz was first published. In Poland it’s considered to be a manifesto of Polish Romanticism. This years edition of Adam Wodnicki Poster Contest took theme of the anniversary. Romanticism in Poland has a quite significant meaning, it was much more than broken hearts and tragic love stories. The rebellious turn into feelings and faith. The thoughts of passing time of rationalism became abandoned because there are things in this world that you can’t understand epistemologically. Romanticism picked up dark, dramatic, horror, folk themes, stories and beliefs, involved supernatural forces and deeply touching issues of ethics and morality, the good, the bad, the sacrifice, involvement, pleasure and suffering. Meaningful was also the political scene of those times, Poland struggled for independence and thousands of people were forced to leave their homeland, wherever they went, they tried to keep the faith and help people who stayed as much as they could. What is the meaning of romanticism in today? How does it remain in the culture and minds of the people who used to hear about it at school? 

The interpretations can be seen on the poster exhibition that took place in Instituto Polacco di Roma in Rome, Italy. Twenty posters are on display at the moment, among them two are mine.
branding gabriela kłos kufel
Plakaty na wystawie w Instytucie Polskim w Rzymie
branding gabriela kłos kufel
Plakaty na wystawie w Instytucie Polskim w Rzymie
branding Gabriela Klos kufel
200 lat Romantyzmu Polskiego konkurs
branding Gabriela Klos kufel
200 lat Romantyzmu Polskiego konkurs